‘We HEV a problem’. How blue light impacts the skin?

The blue light called HEV (High Energy Visible Light) is emitted by a computer screen, smartphones, and tablets. That is why the moment you read this article both your eyes and skin is subjected to its action. Did you know that HEV may have an even more harmful impact on the skin than UV rays? Check which cosmetics should you use and how to prevent the negative impact of blue light.

HEV emits something that our skin despises and that would be free radicals which damage collagen and elastic fibers in the skin. Its impact is equally harmful as UVA and UVB rays. It’s time to talk about the blue light because it’s talked very little and almost no one knows how to protect their skin against it.

The blue HEV light more harmful than UV rays? Check out how it impacts your skin!

HEV aids free radicals and those cause permanent damage to the skin DNA and damage lipids, i.e. fatty cells – the more of them the better skin is hydrated. Without them, skin starts to turn into dry, dull, loose, and rough, ages faster and wrinkles are created.

Free radicals damage collagen fibers and those are known to take care of proper skin suppleness. As a result face oval is deformed and skin becomes loose.

Dark hyperpigmentations on the face, excess pigmentation, and age spots are not always caused by UV rays because as it turns out blue light can worsen inflammation (acne), cause redness, and increase irritation liability.

The cosmetics that protect against blue light

Most beauty brands are only just working on effective formulas that can protect against the blue light. However, we know very well which ingredients should be in your cosmetics so that you can browse the Internet and watch the Witcher in peace.

You don’t need the cosmetics dedicated to skin subjected to long-lasting contact with blue light. Look for products that in their composition have a high concentration of natural ingredients with antioxidants (eliminating free radicals). Those will be:

  • vitamin C – the most versatile one, beautifying substance with antioxidant and rejuvenating properties which additionally brightens hyperpigmentations, flattens wrinkles, and makes skin radiant, full of youthful vitality and freshness; supports skin protection against UV rays. You can find it in day serum;
  • vitamin E (tocopherol) – everyone knows it as a ‘vitamin of youth’ and let us assure you that this name wasn’t taken out of anywhere; vitamin E perfectly inhibits aging and protects against oxidative stress and regenerates the skin. Use it in the form of nourishing night cream that will fortify repair processes while you are asleep;
  • white tea – is full of antioxidants, it sweeps away free radicals while perfectly fighting aging signs of the skin improving its quality, appearance, and glow; look for it in a good face serum because then you can deliver all components deep inside the skin and intensify the antioxidant action; it’s worth mentioning that white tea extract protects also against pollution and toxins;
  • vitamin B3 (niacin) – it’s contained in, e.g. aloe and numerous other plant extracts; you’ll love it if you have problematic skin because niacin calms inflammations and regulates sebum secretion.

If you want to preserve skin youth and healthy eyes, you should limit a bit exposition to blue light. Watching a movie in the bed before going to sleep may not be the best idea because then HEV acts the strongest and may make falling asleep harder.

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